Acceptance of dental implants by bone and gum tissue has been excellent, however a few implants fail. Additionally, the prosthesis that have been placed over the implants are subject to wear and/or breakage. Any of the following conditions that occur require your immediate attention. Please contact us if any of the following conditions occur:
We have done our best to provide to you the highest quality service available. The continuing success of the implant and prosthesis is up to you. Please do the following items checked:
- Feeling of looseness
- Peculiar
- Clicking or metallic snap while eating
- Breaking a piece of the prosthesis
- Redness in the gum tissue around the implant
- Feeling of the bite being different
- Pain
- Visit us for examination, scaling, and polishing at least once every six months.
- Clean the implant daily, especially before bedtime using:
- Floss
- Bridge cleaner
- Toothbrush
- Interplak mechanical toothbrush
- Peridex
Your failure to accomplish thorough cleaning of the implant prosthesis daily will compromise its longevity significantly. We expect years of service from this therapy. Over a number of years, you will gradually wear out the prosthesis portion.